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Platinum Price per Kilo EUR

The platinum price per kilo in GBP can be viewed in the platinum price chart below. View the platinum price in different currencies and weights, by choosing different options above the chart. 


Platinum Price Per Kilo 

Use the platinum price per kilo chart to see what is happening today in the platinum price. You can also see the platinum price per kilo for months and years gone by, up to ten years ago

It is interesting to talk about the platinum price per kilo but it is an alloy of platinum and iridium that is used as the international standard for measuring a kilo. 40 of the cylindrical kilo weights were made in the 1880s and distributed around the world. The original sits in Washington D.C at the Bureau of International Standards. 

Demand for platinum comes from four main sources:

  • Automotive demand 
  • Industrial demand
  • Jewellery demand
  • Investment demand. 

The platinum price per kilo is not just affected by demand, it is also driven by supply. Platinum is 30 times rarer than gold. In fact, it is estimated that there is more platinum on the moon and in meteorites than there is on earth! Over three-quarters of the platinum mining supply comes from South Africa. This means that the platinum price per kilo is very sensitive to any changes that take place within the country, whether political, environmental or social. 

Platinum is classed as a precious metal but unlike gold and silver, it has never had a significant role in the international monetary system. Regardless, it is classed as a safe haven. Some academic studies have found that it acts as a safe haven on the few occasions that gold does not. Data also shows that if you held both platinum and gold in your portfolio over the last thirty years, rather than just gold, then your risk-adjusted returns would have been higher. 

Do you want to buy gold or buy silver in UK? If you have any questions, please send us a message via live chat, email, or phone, and one of our specialists will answer.

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